About This Blog

This blog exists as a way of sharing my love for the Beach Boys.  I don't know how popular blogs are anymore.  Most of the ones I have seen regarding the Beach Boys haven't been updated in many years.  I just felt this urge a few months back to create this place as a way of sharing my thoughts and feelings about a group of guys who mean so much to me.  I'll be sharing my journey of becoming a Beach Boys fan, discussing the music, posting videos, favorite pictures and more.  The plan is to review albums, books, bootlegs, documentaries, etc.

I know that I don't always finish projects I start.  We all can burn out and put things aside now and then.  I've been tossing this idea around for a while.  It was on my mind when I woke up today and when I noticed it was May 16th, the day Pet Sounds was released in 1966, I went for it! I came up with the title "Little Pad," not only because I love that song off Smiley Smile, but because "pad" is also short for notepad or diary (like a blog).  Please feel free to e-mail me at akruczek@gmail.com.  Thanks for finding my blog.  I hope you stick around. 

May 16, 2020